Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Naumburgo

Max Kruse

Nombre Max
Apellido Kruse
Nacidas el November 19, 1921
Murió el September 4, 2015 (aged 93)

Max Kruse fue un escritor alemán, conocido principalmente por sus libro infantiles, Der Löwe ist los y Urmel aus dem Eis.

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August Möbius

Nombre August
Apellido Möbius
Nacidas el November 17, 1790
Murió el September 26, 1868 (aged 77)

August Ferdinand Möbius o Moebius fue un matemático y astrónomo teórico alemán.

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Max Heinze

Nombre Max
Apellido Heinze
Nacidas el December 13, 1835
Murió el September 17, 1909 (aged 73)
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No lo conozco

Otto Kern

Nombre Otto
Apellido Kern
Nacidas el February 14, 1863
Murió el January 31, 1942 (aged 78)

Otto Ferdinand Georg Kern was a German classical philologist, archaeologist and epigraphist. He specialized in the field of ancient Greek religion, being known for his investigations of Greek mystery cults and Orphism, as well as the ancient city of Magnesia on the Maeander and later also the history of ancient studies. In 1907 he became professor at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, where he became rector in 1915/16.

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Paul Schultze-Naumburg

Nombre Paul
Nacidas el June 10, 1869
Murió el May 19, 1949 (aged 79)

Paul Schultze-Naumburg was a German traditionalist architect, painter, publicist and author. A leading critic of modern architecture, he joined the NSDAP in 1930 and became an important advocate of Nazi architecture.

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