Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Moldavia

Andrey Gaydulyan

Nombre Andrey
Apellido Gaydulyan
Nacidas el April 12, 1984 (age 40)

Andrey Sergeevich Gaydulyan is a Russian theater and film actor and is best known for the TV series Univer, Univer. New Dorm, and SashaTanya.

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Ion Cuțelaba

Nombre Ion
Apellido Cuțelaba
Nacidas el December 14, 1993 (age 31)

Ion Nicolae Cuțelaba es un artista marcial mixto profesional moldavo que compite en la división de peso semipesado del Ultimate Fighting Championship. Desde el 4 de octubre de 2021, es el número 15 en la clasificación de peso semipesado de la UFC.

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Vlad Stashevsky

Владислав Станиславович Твердохлебов
Nombre Vlad
Apellido Stashevsky
Nacidas el January 19, 1974 (age 51)
Nacidas en Moldova

Vlad Stashevsky is a Russian pop singer.

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Dan Balan

Nombre Dan
Apellido Balan
Nacidas el February 6, 1979 (age 46)

Dan Mihai Bălan es un cantante, productor y compositor moldavo. Fue el líder del grupo musical O-Zone y ahora es el vocalista de Balan, una banda de pop.

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Eliahu Itzkovitz

Nombre Eliahu
Murió el November 30, 2014 (aged 44)

Eliahu Itzkovitz was a Romanian Jew of Moldavian descent who, while a prisoner in a concentration camp during the World War II, witnessed the murder of his family at the hands of a Romanian prison guard named Stănescu. Itzkovitz vowed to avenge his family's murder at the hands of a fellow Romanian, but was unable to find the murderer after the war. He subsequently emigrated to Israel where he served in the Israeli Defense Forces until he learned that Stănescu had enlisted in the French Foreign Legion, thus leading him to desert from the IDF and join the Foreign Legion. Itzkovitz was able to track down and kill Stănescu in French Indochina. He was later court-martialed in Israel for desertion and sentenced to one year in prison.

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Maia Sandu

Nombre Maia
Apellido Sandu
Nacidas el May 24, 1972 (age 52)

Maia Sandu es una política y economista moldava, presidenta de Moldavia desde el 24 de diciembre de 2020. Previamente se desempeñó como primera ministra de Moldavia desde junio hasta noviembre de 2019, cuando su gobierno fue destituido por una moción de censura, también ejerció como ministra de Educación de 2012 hasta 2015.

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Grigory Kotovsky

Nombre Grigory
Nacidas el June 24, 1881
Murió el August 6, 1925 (aged 44)

Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky was an adventurist, Soviet military and political figure, and participant in the Russian Civil War. He made a career from being a gangster and bank robber to eventually becoming a Red Army commander and member of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union.

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Yuri Nikolaev

Юрий Александрович Николаев
Nombre Yuri
Apellido Nikolaev
Nacidas el December 16, 1948 (age 76)

Yuri Alexandrovich Nikolaev is a Soviet and Russian TV and radio host, actor. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia in 1998, and since 2007 has been a member of the Academy of Russian Television. On 9 May 2007 he was awarded the Order of Friendship via presidential decree, and was awarded the Order of Honour on 14 January 2014 "for his great contribution in the development of national television, radio, print and many years of fruitful activity".

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Kira Muratova

Kira Gueórguievna Korotkova
Nombre Kira
Apellido Muratova
Nacidas el November 5, 1934
Murió el June 6, 2018 (aged 83)
Nacidas en Moldova, Soroca District

Kira Gueórguievna Murátova fue una directora, guionista y actriz ucraniana de origen moldavo. Su obra se encuentra comprendida en las épocas soviética y postsoviética.

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Alexander Oleshko

Nombre Alexander
Apellido Oleshko
Nacidas el July 23, 1976 (age 48)

Alexander Vladimirovich Oleshko is a Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter, singer, parodist. Honored Artist of Russia (2015). Member of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation.

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