Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Huai'an

Zhou Enlai

Nombre Zhou
Apellido Enlai
Nacidas el March 5, 1898
Murió el January 8, 1976 (aged 77)

Zhou Enlai fue un destacado político de la República Popular China, miembro del Partido Comunista Chino desde su juventud y primer ministro de China desde el establecimiento del gobierno socialista en 1949 hasta su muerte.

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Li Yuanchao

Nombre Li
Apellido Yuanchao
Nacidas el November 20, 1950 (age 74)

Li Yuanchao, chino: 李源潮, pinyin: Lǐ Yuanchao,, es un matemático y político chino. Vicepresidente de la República Popular China.

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Liu Yandong

Nombre Liu
Apellido Yandong
Nacidas el November 22, 1945 (age 79)

Liu Yandong (刘延东) es una química y política china. Hasta marzo de 2018 fue la segunda vicepremier de la República Popular China.

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Zhou Xinfang

Nombre Zhou
Apellido Xinfang
Nacidas el January 14, 1895
Murió el March 8, 1975 (aged 80)

Zhou Xinfang, also known by his stage name Qilin Tong was a Chinese actor and musician. He was a Peking opera actor who specialized in its "old male" roles. He is considered one of the greatest grand masters of Peking Opera of the 20th century, and the best known and leading member of the Shanghai school of Peking opera. He was the first director of Shanghai Peking Opera Company.

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Katherine Paterson

Nombre Katherine
Nacidas el October 31, 1932 (age 92)

Katherine Paterson es una escritora estadounidense de literatura infantil.

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Wu Cheng'en

Nombre Wu
Apellido Cheng'en
Murió el January 1, 1582

Wu Cheng'en escritor chino de la dinastía Ming. Nacido en Huai'an, en la provincia actual de Jiangsu, estudió en la Nanjing Taixue durante más de 10 años.

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Sun Huaishan

Nombre Sun
Apellido Huaishan
Nacidas el January 1, 1952 (age 73)

Sun Huaishan is a former Chinese politician who served as the Director of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He was investigated in March 2017 by the Communist Party's anti-graft agency, suspected of corruption.

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Qiu Jian

Nombre Qiu
Apellido Jian
Nacidas el June 25, 1975 (age 49)

Qiu Jian is a male Chinese sports shooter who competed for Team China at the 2008 Summer Olympics.

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Bao Zhao

Nombre Bao
Apellido Zhao
Nacidas el January 1, 0414
Murió el November 30, 0465 (aged 51)

Bao Zhao was an early medieval Chinese poet, writer, and official known for his shi poetry, fu rhapsodies, and parallel prose. Bao's best known surviving work is his "Fu on the Ruined City", a long fu rhapsody on the ruined city of Guangling.

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Gu Zhutong

Nombre Gu
Apellido Zhutong
Nacidas el January 9, 1893
Murió el January 17, 1987 (aged 94)

Gu Zhutong, courtesy name Moshan (墨山), was a military general and administrator of the Republic of China.

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