Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Crawfordsville

Larry Eyler

Larry William Eyler
Nombre Larry
Nacidas el December 21, 1952
Murió el March 6, 1994 (aged 41)

Larry William Eyler was an American serial killer who is believed to have murdered a minimum of twenty-one teenage boys and young men in a series of killings committed between 1982 and 1984 in the Midwestern States. Convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection for the 1984 kidnapping and murder of 16-year-old Daniel Bridges, Eyler later voluntarily confessed to the 1982 murder of 23-year-old Steven Ray Agan, offering to also confess to his culpability in twenty further unsolved homicides if the state of Illinois would commute his sentence to one of life imprisonment without parole.

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Nombre The
Nacidas el June 16, 1959
Murió el April 8, 2014 (aged 54)
Altura 191 cm | 6'3

James Brian Hellwig fue un legendario luchador profesional estadounidense más conocido como The Ultimate Warrior. Warrior trabajó en la World Wrestling Federation y en la extinta World Championship Wrestling (WCW). Hellwig cambió legalmente su nombre a Warrior en 1993 y trabajaba como conferenciante. En 2008 hizo un retorno de una noche a los rings después de más de 10 años de retiro, trabajando para la empresa italiana Nu-Wrestling Evolution, donde peleó contra el campeón Orlando Jordan en Barcelona, España, pelea que venció, se proclamó campeón y renunció al título.

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Eleanor Lambert

Nombre Eleanor
Nacidas el August 10, 1903
Murió el October 7, 2003 (aged 100)

Eleanor Lambert Berkson was an American fashion publicist. She was instrumental in increasing the international prominence of the American fashion industry and in the emergence of New York City as a major fashion capital. Lambert was the founder of New York Fashion Week, the Council of Fashion Designers of America, the Met Gala, and the International Best Dressed List.

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Will Shortz

Nombre Will
Apellido Shortz
Nacidas el August 26, 1952 (age 71)

William F. Shortz is an American puzzle creator and editor and crossword puzzle editor for The New York Times.

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Joseph P. Allen

Nombre Joseph
Apellido Allen
Nacidas el June 27, 1937 (age 87)

Joseph Percival "Joe" Allen IV, Ph.D. is a former NASA astronaut. He logged more than 3,000 hours flying time in jet aircraft.

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Howdy Wilcox

Nombre Howdy
Nacidas el June 24, 1889
Murió el September 4, 1923 (aged 34)

Howard Samuel Wilcox was an American racecar driver active in formative years of auto racing.

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