Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Cookeville

Mack Brown

William Mack Brown
Nombre Mack
Apellido Brown
Nacidas el August 27, 1951 (age 73)

William Mack Brown is an American college football coach. He is currently in his second stint as the head football coach for the University of North Carolina, where he first coached from 1988 until departing in 1997 to become head coach for the University of Texas. He was recently a college football commentator for ESPN. In January 2018, Brown was selected to enter the College Football Hall of Fame. In November 2018, Brown took the vacant job at North Carolina, replacing Larry Fedora.

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J.J. Redick

Nombre JJ
Nacidas el June 24, 1984 (age 40)
Altura 193 cm | 6'4

Jonathan Clay "J. J." Redick es un jugador profesional de baloncesto estadounidense que actualmente milita en la plantilla de los New Orleans Pelicans de la NBA. Con 1,91 de estatura, juega en la posición de escolta.

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Trent Taylor

Trent Nelson Taylor is an American football wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Louisiana Tech.

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Ben Garant

Nombre Ben
Apellido Garant
Nacidas el September 14, 1970 (age 54)

Robert Ben Garant is an American screenwriter, producer, director, actor and comedian. He has a long professional relationship with Thomas Lennon and Kerri Kenney-Silver from their time on the seminal sketch-comedy show The State, the cop show spoof Reno 911!, and numerous screenwriting collaborations.

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