Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en 2009

Julia Butters

Nombre Julia
Apellido Butters
Nacidas el April 15, 2009 (age 15)

Julia Butters es una actriz infantil estadounidense. Recibió elogios de la crítica por su papel de Trudi Fraser en Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, película de Quentin Tarantino.Desde 2016, ha interpretado a Anna-Kat Otto en la comedia de ABC American Housewife.

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Valentina Tronel

Nombre Valentina
Apellido Tronel
Nacidas el April 6, 2009 (age 15)
Nacidas en France, Brittany

Valentina Tronel, better known as simply Valentina, is a French singer who, in 2016, took part in the French version of The Voice Kids. Since 2018, she has been part of the child musical group Kids United Nouvelle Génération, with whom she has recorded the albums Au bout de nos rêves (2018) and L'Hymne de la vie (2019). In 2020, she represented France with the winning song "J'imagine" at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

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Abhimanyu Mishra

Nombre Abhimanyu
Nacidas el February 5, 2009 (age 16)

Abhimanyu Mishra es un indio-estadounidense prodigio del ajedrez de la ciudad de Nueva Jersey. Actualmente ostenta el record del título de gran maestro del ajedrez más joven de la historia rompiendo el record de Sergey Karjakin.

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Hend Zaza

Nombre Hend
Nacidas el January 1, 2009 (age 16)

Hend Zaza is a Syrian table tennis player. She qualified to play in the 2020 Summer Olympics in 2021 in Tokyo, through the West Asia Olympic qualifying tournament held in Jordan in 2020. At the age of 12, she was the youngest person to compete in Olympic table tennis, and the fifth-youngest person to compete in the modern Olympics. She was the youngest competitor at the 2020 games, and the youngest Olympic competitor since Beatrice Huștiu, a Romanian figure-skater who competed in 1968.

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Beren Gökyıldız

Nombre Beren
Nacidas el November 29, 2010 (age 14)
Nacidas en Istanbul Province

Beren Gökyıldız es una actriz infantil turca.

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Nao Tamura

Nombre Nao
Nacidas el November 30, 2009 (age 15)
Nacidas en Japan

Nao Tamura es una actriz de voz japonesa de la prefectura de Saitama, Japón. Está representada por la agencia Early Wing.

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Sumire Nakamura

Nombre Sumire
Nacidas el March 2, 2009 (age 15)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo

Sumire Nakamura is a Japanese professional Go player. She became the youngest ever female professional Go player in Japan on April 1, 2019. She made her professional debut on April 22, 2019 in the preliminary round of the Ryusei tournament in western Japan at age 10 years and one month, breaking the record held by Rina Fujisawa in 2010 at age 11 years and 8 months. She is also the first Go player to turn pro under Nihon Ki-in's special screening system for "prospective, talented" players who can compete with top players from other countries.

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Bob Sheen

Bob Carlos Estevez
Nombre Bob
Apellido Sheen
Nacidas el March 14, 2009 (age 15)
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Sparrow Madden

Nombre Sparrow
Apellido Madden
Nacidas el September 9, 2009 (age 15)
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Max Sheen

Max Estevez
Nombre Max
Apellido Sheen
Nacidas el March 14, 2009 (age 15)
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